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Sri Lanka trip

Sri Lanka is a unique place, with ancient cities, stunning landscapes, special beaches, and more. It's filled with travelers from all around the world.

The journey starts in Colombo, the capital, which you reach by flying through Doha, Qatar (yes, Israelis can transit there freely). You then continue by an old train to Anuradhapura (until I learned the name) – it used to be the capital about 2,200 years ago. From there to Sigiriya – a climb to a rock/fortress with only 1,200 steps, safaris, a solo trip to Dambulla with ancient caves, Kandy, a visit to an elephant sanctuary, and much more. The adventure there included white water rafting.

During Passover 2019, there was a terrorist attack in Sri Lanka, two weeks after I left. I was in most of the places where the explosions occurred. Fortunately, I wasn't there when it happened. It's heartbreaking. The wonderful thing about Sri Lanka is its people – gentle, kind, and polite. It's horrifying.

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It's also possible to upgrade the event and turn it into an unforgettable hybrid armchair adventure!

What is a hybrid armchair adventure? Explanation here.

And here's the trailer to the recommended hybrid armchair segment for this presentation

An example of a hybrid section from a lecture about a trip to Peru - the land of the Incas -  Sightseeing

Batantambo - a village from the Inca period

To book lectures on fascinating trips around the world
In the third age for providing inspiration, empowerment and healthy humor..



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